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How to Structure a Seller Financed Deal for 0% Financing

Top 3 Seller Financing Mistakes in Real Estate (+ Structuring for 0% Financing)

October 06, 20246 min read

Top 3 Seller Financing Mistakes in Real Estate (+ Structuring for 0% Financing)

I closed on my third property with 11% down and 0% interest. No, that's not a typo. And no, I'm not living in 1952. This is a seller-financed real estate deal I made happen, and the sellers were actually happy with the price.

How often does that happen? Better than you might think if you know what you're doing. And I’m about to show you how.

Along the way, I’ll also touch on the pros and cons of seller financing, common real estate investment mistakes, and other critical insights you need to avoid problems with seller financing. By the end of this article, you’ll feel confident enough to jump into your first deal—or at least know how to start negotiating for one!

My Journey to Seller Financing Explained

After filing for bankruptcy in 2001 when my record label went belly-up, I was what banks politely call "unlendable." (Wells Fargo probably wouldn't have even let me use their ATM!) That's when I started exploring seller financing to build my cash flow empire, and it's been an absolute game-changer for the last 17 years.

A lot has changed for me since then - more assets, more money, and my credit score is back above 700. But you know what hasn't changed? My preference for seller-financed real estate deals. Because regardless of how high interest rates go, sellers will always do better.

The Problem With Seller Financing (And Why Most People Get It Wrong)

Before we get into the specifics, let’s recap and get seller financing explained in simple terms. 

Seller financing is a real estate transaction where the seller acts as the bank. Instead of a buyer going to a traditional bank or mortgage lender for a loan, the seller gives the buyer a loan directly. In exchange, the buyer agrees to make regular payments until the agreed-upon loan amount is paid off.

The cool part? With a little negotiation, you can often get creative with terms—like 0% interest rates!

But why this method is worth your time? When done right, it's a win-win that empowers you to:

  • Skip the clumsy loan process

  • Avoid credit checks and appraisals

  • Bypass contingencies

  • Pay in affordable installments

Think of it like buying a house with an IOU to the seller. Sounds crazy, right? That's what I thought too, until I figured out how to make it work.

3 Deadly Seller Financing Real Estate Investment Mistakes 

While seller financing can be a powerful tool, you need to avoid some key real estate investment mistakes that can trip you up along the way. After 17 years in the game, I've seen (and made) every mistake in the book. Here are the big three that will kill your deals fast:

Mistake #1: The Premature Proposition

You wouldn't propose marriage on a first date (I hope), so why would you jump straight into asking for seller financing? I used to make this mistake all the time. I'd get excited, spill all the beans about seller financing right away, and watch the seller's eyes glaze over fast.

Instead, always, always, do your homework on the property! Don’t just take the seller’s word for it. Make sure you get the property inspected and have a clear understanding of its value. The last thing you want is to overpay for a property that has hidden issues.

Mistake #2: The Complexity Trap

Ever tried explaining quantum physics to a five-year-old? That's how most sellers feel when investors start talking about how to structure seller financing. I learned the hard way that simpler is always better.

Here's what I do now: I focus on just three things:

  1. Terms of the sale

  2. Terms of the loan

  3. Terms of the documents

seller financing deal real estate example

That's it. No fancy jargon, no complicated scenarios. Just straight talk about price and payment.

Mistake #3: The Money Blindness

Sometimes, sellers need all their cash right away for something specific. If you ignore these needs and push seller financing anyway, you're wasting everyone's time.

Also, some existing loans on a property might have a due-on-sale clause, which means that if the seller transfers the property to you, the full loan balance could be due immediately. This is one of those seller financing mistakes that could cause serious headaches if you don’t address it upfront.

Seller Financing in Real Estate Framework

After making every mistake in the book, I developed what I call my Deal Dynamics Axis. Think of it as a vertical line for price and a horizontal line for terms. Most sellers start at the top-right - high price, all cash now.

Deal Dynamics Axis diagram seller financing

 I start at the bottom-left - low price, creative terms.

(PS: If you want to see this strategy in action, golf with me, and I'll walk you through it step by step on the course!)

A Real-World Case Study

Let me show you how this worked in one of my deals. I found the property using Deal Engineer's AI Predictive Analytics and sent them a handwritten letter using a QR code strategy I'm testing. The seller called within a week.

Here's what happened next:

  1. Used my nine-point seller interview to gather info and build rapport

  2. They weren't excited about my initial proposal but asked for a follow-up in a month

  3. I put them in my Green Apple follow-up system

  4. Sent a triple offer letter:

    • Deeply discounted fast cash offer

    • Wholesale priced 90-day offer

    • Full market value with 5% down and balance divided into 300 equal monthly payments at 0% interest

The seller called back about a week later. They wanted 15% down instead of 5%. We settled at 11%, and that's how I got my third property in four months with 0% interest!

How to Structure a Winning Deal

Once you get a "yes," here's what happens:

  1. Use a standard purchase agreement with a few additional clauses

  2. Order a physical inspection

  3. Escrow orders title

  4. Bring in the down payment

  5. Both parties pay closing costs

  6. Hand the seller finance mortgage to a third-party note-servicing company

The servicing company handles all collections and accounting, deducting 1% and sending the rest to the seller. My LLC is on title to the property, and the seller has a loan attached for collateral, exactly like a bank would do.

Why Seller Financing Works (Even in Today's Market)

Look, seller financing mistakes in real estate are common, but they're not fatal. Here's why this strategy works, even with current interest rates:

  1. It benefits both parties

  2. You're not competing with traditional buyers

  3. You're solving a problem for the seller

Most importantly, you're keeping money in the family instead of paying banks. Jerome Powell can jack up the rates all he wants - we'll be over here doing our own thing!

Making Seller-Financed Real Estate Deals Work for You

Whether interest rates are high or low, whether banks are lending or not, there will always be sellers willing to work directly with buyers. As I always say, it's better to pay a seller than a banker - let's keep it in the family!

If you're ready to explore more creative real estate investing, grab My Escape Book. It's packed with the strategies I've developed over 17 years of doing deals just like this. And again, if you want to really accelerate your learning, come golf with Matt. We'll talk real estate, hit some balls, and maybe even close a deal or two!

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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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