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alternative to a 401k

Is there a better alternative to a 401k? Do This Instead To Retire Rich

October 14, 20245 min read

Is there a better alternative to a 401k? Do This Instead To Retire Rich 

You’re working hard, saving into that 401k like everyone told you to. But deep down, you’re probably wondering, “Is there a better alternative to a 401k?” Well, I’ve got some good news for you—there absolutely is! 

Today, I'm going to share some eye-opening truths about why your 401k might not be the golden ticket you think it is. But don't worry, I've also got a game-changing alternative that could help you retire rich and escape the rat race. 

The Hidden Dangers of 401k Plans

When I first started looking into the inner workings of 401k plans, I was shocked. It turns out, there are five major reasons why a 401k might actually be setting you up for a poor retirement. Let's break them down:

Misleading Tax Benefits

We've all heard about the "tax-free growth" of 401ks, right? Well, while you get a tax break on your contributions now, you'll pay taxes on your withdrawals in retirement. And guess what? 

Those taxes are often higher than what you'd pay on capital gains from other investments. It's like getting a small discount now but paying double later. Not exactly the deal of the century, huh?

The Myth of Employer Matching

"Free money!" That's what they tell us about employer matching. But hold on a second. A study by the Urban Institute found that for every dollar an employer contributes to your 401k match, they pay 99 cents less in salary to workers.

It's not free money; it's just a different way of paying you what you've earned.

Hidden Fees and Their Long-Term Impact

There are often more than a dozen undisclosed fees in 401ks. We're talking legal fees, trustee fees, transaction fees, and the list goes on. But mutual funds inside 401ks often take a 2% fee off the top. 

That might not sound like much, but over time, it can eat away hundreds of thousands of dollars from your retirement savings.

 Limited Access to Your Money

Your money is locked up for decades in a 401k. Sure, you could be enjoying it now or investing it in ways that could still be there when you retire. But nope, it's stuck in that 401k, out of reach when you might need it most. 

Market Volatility and Retirement Timing

Imagine planning to retire in 2002 or 2009, right after watching your 401k lose almost 50% of its value. Ouch! Your retirement becomes subject to the whims of the stock market. Is that really how you want to plan your golden years?

Why Your 401k May Not Be Enough

"But Matt, my financial advisor says my 401k is on track!" Well, let's look at some cold, hard facts:

The national average balance of a 401k at 60 years old is just $207,874. Fidelity reports the average 401k retirement at $127,100. Either way, it's not nearly enough to retire comfortably. In fact, only about 1.4% of 401ks have a balance greater than $1 million at retirement age. That means 98.6% of 401k holders don't even hit the million-dollar mark.

Even Warren Buffett has said that people get nothing for their money from professional money managers in the aggregate. When the Oracle of Omaha speaks, we should probably listen!

At its core, there are two big reasons why 401ks are keeping people poor and miserable:

  1. They're based on the outdated principle of saving money. Most people simply don't make enough to save enough to outpace inflation.

  2. They rely on compound interest, which Einstein called the eighth wonder of the world. 

compound interest and 401k

  1. But people don't make enough to save enough long enough for compounding to work its magic.

A Real-Life Case Study

Let me tell you about my client JJ. His story might sound familiar to you:

JJ was 43, making $145,000 a year, with $200,000 in his 401k. He was working 50-60 hours a week and was miserable. Sound familiar?

We crunched the numbers. If JJ stayed the course, he'd have about $1.34 million at age 60. Sounds good, right? JJ decided to make a bold move. He withdrew his 401k early, taking a 47% hit due to taxes and penalties. 

In just 5 years, JJ built an $8 million portfolio. That's right, from $200,000 to $8 million in 5 years. How's that for an alternative to a 401k?

So, what did JJ do differently? It's simple:

Instead of relying on compound interest, we focused on compounding assets.

401k alternative

This is the key difference between taking 50 years to build wealth and doing it in 5. 

By focusing on real estate investing, JJ was able to accelerate his wealth-building dramatically. And the best part? You can do it too.

Here's an insider tip: to supercharge your real estate investing journey, check out No Cost Capital. This resource eliminates your financial barriers in one application, without paying interest or fees. It's a fantastic way to flip properties, cover operational costs, and expand your marketing efforts with ease.

There’s also Mailmix which offers done-for-you direct mail campaigns, multi-touch drip campaigns, and full CRM integration. It’s perfect for nurturing leads and clients, which is critical for anyone serious about making money in real estate.

Retiring Rich Without a 401K is Possible

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Is real estate investing hard?"  Like anything worth doing, it has its challenges. But real estate investing for beginners doesn't have to be complicated. And when you look at real estate as an investment option, especially compared to traditional retirement plans like 401ks, the potential for wealth creation is enormous.

Sure, there are real estate investing mistakes to watch out for. But with the right guidance, you can easily avoid those most common mistakes.

Remember, the market timing couldn't be better right now. So, if you're ready to explore a powerful alternative to a 401k and potentially retire rich, head over to Epic Apprentice for all the details.

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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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