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It's Not True

The Interest Rate Cut Deception: 9 Myths Every Investor Needs to Know

September 11, 20244 min read

9 Lies About Interest Rate Cuts That Are Costing You Big Time (But No One Talks About)

You’ve probably heard it a thousand times—“Interest rates are dropping! Now’s the perfect time to buy property!”

But let’s cut through the noise. What if I told you that the promises tied to these rate cuts are nothing more than smoke and mirrors for people who don’t dig deeper? Spoiler: Interest rate cuts don’t always mean you’re about to ride off into the sunset with a lower mortgage payment and a bigger bank balance.

In fact, here are 9 massive lies about interest rate cuts that everyone’s been too scared (or clueless) to admit.

Lie #1: Lower Rates = Lower Mortgage Payments

This one’s a classic. You’d think that as soon as interest rates drop, your mortgage payment shrinks, right? But banks have a sneaky habit of hiking up fees and tightening their lending rules right when you’re hoping for a break. What does that mean for you? That lower rate could come with hidden costs, and by the time you add it all up, your payment might look a lot like… well, what you’re already paying.

Lie #2: Rate Cuts Mean a Booming Economy

Here’s a fun fact: When interest rates are slashed, it’s usually not because the economy is flexing its muscles. It’s more like a bandage on a broken leg. Rate cuts often scream, “Hey, things aren’t as great as they seem!” Rising unemployment, slow job growth—this is what’s happening behind the curtain. So if you see a rate cut, don’t start high-fiving your financial planner just yet.

Lie #3: Rate Cuts Are a Real Estate Investor’s Dream Come True

Lower rates mean cheaper money, and that’s great, right? Well, only if you like playing against more competition. As soon as borrowing costs drop, the floodgates open, and suddenly everyone and their grandma is bidding on properties. The result? Sky-high property prices that could make your lower-rate mortgage feel like a consolation prize.

Lie #4: Every Rate Cut Is a Game-Changer

Just because the Federal Reserve trims a few basis points off the interest rate doesn’t mean you’re about to save enough cash to buy that vacation home in the Bahamas. Small cuts don’t always translate into meaningful savings on your mortgage. What matters more is cash flow. Forget the rate—are your investments generating consistent, healthy returns? That’s the question.

Lie #5: Wait for the Next Big Rate Cut Before You Buy

Ah, the old “wait-and-see” game. Sure, sitting on the sidelines waiting for the market to hand you the perfect rate cut seems like a solid strategy—until you miss out on a killer deal. The truth is, experienced investors know that trying to time the market is like trying to guess which horse is going to win before the race even starts.

Lie #6: Investing Is All About Rate Cuts

Rate cuts are sexy, sure. But what separates the pros from the amateurs is understanding that the real money is in long-term cash flow. Smart investors aren’t chasing the latest rate drop—they’re hunting for properties in high-demand areas that are going to cash flow for years to come. They’re playing chess, not checkers.

Lie #7: You’ll Escape Rising Costs with Rate Cuts

Think interest rates are your only worry? Think again. Property taxes, insurance premiums—those bad boys aren’t slowing down. If you’re banking on a lower rate to make your financials work, you’re going to be in for a rude awakening when those inevitable cost increases come knocking. The secret? Build those expenses into your investment strategy from day one.

Lie #8: You Can’t Lose in a Hot Rental Market

You’re hearing it everywhere—rental demand is skyrocketing, so you’re golden! Except the rental market can be just as fickle as any other. Overcommitting financially in the name of short-term profits could leave you hanging when things cool down. The ones who win here are the investors who stay conservative, keep their properties well-managed, and adapt when the market shifts.

Lie #9: Now’s Not the Right Time to Invest

If you’re holding out for the “perfect” time to invest, here’s the reality check you didn’t ask for: There’s never a perfect time. The market’s going to do what it’s going to do, and waiting for a crystal-clear green light usually means missing out on big opportunities. Right now, with softened competition and sellers willing to negotiate, you could be passing up your best shot at financial freedom.

So, What’s the Play?

You want financial freedom? It’s not going to come from waiting for interest rates to hit rock bottom. The real strategy is this: Invest in properties that cash flow, diversify your portfolio to spread risk, and stay agile. Smart investors don’t just survive market shifts—they thrive in them.

Your move. Are you going to let these lies hold you back, or are you ready to take control of your future?

In a market where everyone’s chasing shiny objects, the real winners know the truth: Cash flow, not interest rates, is king.

Interest Rate CutsReal Estate InvestingHousing Market
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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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