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Fastest Rat Race Escape Plan: Real Estate Investments That Work

September 28, 20248 min read

Fastest Rat Race Escape Plan: Real Estate Investments That Work

So, you’re feeling the grind of the 9-to-5, right? The endless loop of work, sleep, repeat, where no matter how hard you work, financial freedom always feels just out of reach. Trust me, you’re not alone. The thing most people won’t tell you is that escaping the rat race doesn’t mean you have to work harder. You’ve probably been told to just keep your head down, hustle, and eventually, you’ll be able to retire comfortably someday. But what if I told you there’s a faster, smarter way to break free?

Let’s talk about real estate, and why it’s your ticket out of the grind – without having to wait decades to enjoy your life.

The Traditional Path vs. The Alternative Route

First, let's take a second to understand why you’re in the rat race to begin with. It all boils down to one major thing: trading time for money. You go to work, clock in, do your tasks, and get a paycheck. But if you stop working, what happens? The money stops coming in. You’re stuck. The traditional path has been drilled into our heads since day one—go to school, get a good job, work hard, save money, and eventually retire. 

But according to the Department of Health and Human Services, 2 out of 3 of 65-year-olds today aren't prepared to retire. That's a pretty scary statistic if you ask me. So, while there's nothing inherently wrong with the old path, the odds aren't exactly in your favor.

Yes, the traditional path might work for some, but let’s face it, how many people do you know who are actually enjoying the life they imagined when they were 20? Most people are struggling to make ends meet even after 40 years of working. Why? Because they never learned to generate passive income, and that’s key to breaking free from the rat race. You need money coming in whether you’re working or not. 

You might’ve heard of the 50-30-20 rule. You know, the one that says you should spend 50% of your income on needs, 30% on wants, and save 20%? This is okay advice if you’re just trying to get by, but it’s a slow road to financial freedom. Here’s the problem: it still keeps you in the mindset of “living within your means” rather than “expanding your means.” Instead of thinking about how to save more, start thinking about how to make more. And that’s where passive income from real estate comes in.

Why Real Estate?

Now, let's look at the alternative. Instead of focusing on saving a big pile of money to create a stream of income later, why not focus on creating that stream of income first? This is where real estate investing comes into play. It's one of the most reliable ways to achieve financial freedom through real estate investing.

Why? Because real estate is a tangible asset, and there are proven strategies that allow you to generate income passively. That means you can make money while you sleep. Not bad, right?

And before you tune out, thinking, "But I don’t have the money or experience to get into real estate," let me tell you this: you don’t need a fortune or years of know-how to get started. In fact, some of the best passive real estate investments require little to no money down. With platforms like Seller Sniper, you can even start finding off-market deals that aren’t available to everyone else. It’s all about knowing where to look and who to partner with.

Holding Property vs. Flipping: What’s the Difference?

Let’s clear up a common misconception in real estate. What is the difference between holding and flipping? Well, flipping is what you see on TV shows where people buy a rundown property, fix it up, and sell it quickly for a profit. It’s fast-paced and can yield big bucks, but it’s not for everyone. It’s a hands-on approach, and if the market takes a dip, you’re stuck holding the bag.

On the other hand, holding property means you buy a property and keep it long-term, generating passive income through rent. This is your ticket to passive income for beginners. Why? Because it’s stable, predictable, and requires far less daily work than flipping. You don’t need to keep chasing the next deal; instead, you sit back, and the rent checks roll in. So, when you’re asking yourself, “Should I buy and hold or buy and flip?”, think about whether you want a fast (and risky) buck or long-term financial security.

"Matt, flipping sounds great! I could make $30,000 on one deal!" And you're right, you could. But here's what no one is telling you - while flipping might feel like you're making progress faster, holding properties is actually the quicker path to escaping the rat race.

flipping vs holding difference

Let me show you what I mean. Let's say you have a choice: flip a house for $30,000 or hold it for $300 a month in passive income. Most people would jump at the $30,000. It feels good, right? But let's look at the bigger picture.

To create that same $300 a month passively, you'd need to put about $189,000 in a high-yield savings account (based on current rates). That means you'd need to flip six houses to match the passive income from holding just one property.

Now, let's scale this up. To hit $5,000 a month in passive income - which for many people is enough to escape the rat race - you'd need to hold about 17 properties. Sounds like a lot, right? But compare that to flipping. To generate the same passive income through flipping, you'd need to flip 102 houses and invest all the profits. That's a lot of work!

Here's where the "patience equals speed" concept really hits home. 

Real estate investing quote

If you focused on acquiring one rental property every other month, you could potentially escape the rat race in about three years. But if you took the flipping route? You're looking at 17 years to reach the same goal.

So, when I say patience equals speed, what I'm really saying is this: have a little patience with those $300 monthly rental checks. They might seem small at first, but they add up fast. Before you know it, you'll have built a portfolio of passive income-generating properties that can support your lifestyle and give you the freedom to choose whether you want to work or not.

Steps to Financial Freedom Through Real Estate Investing

Now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s walk through the steps to financial freedom via real estate. If you want to get out of the rat race fast, this is the path to follow:

  1. Get Educated: The first step is arming yourself with the right knowledge. You don’t have to go back to school for this. My Escape Book is one great resource that breaks down real estate investing into simple, actionable steps. You’ll learn everything from finding deals to managing properties without losing your mind.

  2. Start Small: You don’t need a skyscraper in Manhattan to get started. Buy a modest property and rent it out. Over time, you can scale up, but the goal is to get your foot in the door.

  3. Use Leverage: One of the coolest things about real estate is that you can use other people’s money to grow your wealth. Banks are eager to lend for property purchases, and you can use those loans to acquire more assets. Just be sure to manage your debt wisely.

  4. Scale Up: As your cash flow increases, reinvest it in more properties. This is how you build a portfolio that can eventually replace your salary. When done right, real estate becomes a snowball effect—the more you invest, the more you earn, and the faster you can escape the grind.

Best Passive Real Estate Investments

Okay, so what are the best passive real estate investments for someone just starting out? Here are a few options:

  • Rental Properties: These are the bread and butter of passive income. Buy a property, rent it out, and collect monthly rent. Over time, you can increase the rent and watch your income grow.

  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): These are great if you want to invest in real estate without the hassle of owning property. You buy shares in a REIT, which owns and manages income-generating properties. The best part? You can invest with as little as a few hundred bucks.

  • Buying and holding rental properties. As I mentioned earlier, this involves purchasing a property and renting it out for long-term passive income. It’s a low-risk strategy because even if the property value doesn’t skyrocket, you’re still making money each month from rent.

Your Fast Rat Race Escape Plan

At the end of the day, the goal is to learn how to make money from real estate in a way that’s sustainable and fits your lifestyle. You can’t escape the rat race overnight, but by taking these steps and leveraging smart strategies, you can shave years off your retirement timeline. The key is to start now—don’t wait until the “perfect” time because, spoiler alert, there’s no such thing. Escaping the rat race isn’t some pie-in-the-sky dream. With the right plan and a commitment to building passive income from real estate, you can get out faster than most people realize.

Escaping the rat race isn’t some pie-in-the-sky dream. With the right plan and a commitment to building passive income from real estate, you can get out faster than most people realize.  It’s not just a smart move—it’s your fast rat race escape plan. And if you ever need some guidance or have questions along the way, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help you make that escape a reality.

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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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