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Home of Top Gun Real Estate Investors

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Six figure deals

From Corporate Grind to Six-Figure Real Estate Wins: A Busy Professional's House-Flipping Journey

September 13, 20244 min read

Fear to Fortune: How One Busy Professional Quietly Flipped Houses to Six-Figure Success

Life moves fast when you're a busy professional, juggling deadlines, meetings, and the never-ending demands of your career. But what if you could add one more achievement to your résumé—a six-figure income stream through real estate? Sounds far-fetched? For one man, it started with fear, a full-time job, and a dream to make it big in real estate, and it led to flipping houses for $100,000+ per deal. Here's how he turned uncertainty into success—and how you could too.

The Early Struggles: Juggling Work and Real Estate Dreams

Picture this: you're working a demanding job, but you know there’s something bigger out there. For this guy, real estate investing was always on his mind, but like so many of us, life kept getting in the way. Between his day job and the fear of fully committing to the unpredictable world of real estate, it felt impossible to make real progress.

He gave it a shot around 2011, but success didn’t come easy. The market was tough, his strategies weren’t quite working, and let’s face it—he wasn’t ready to bet everything on a dream just yet.

Sound familiar? The fear of failure is real, especially when you’re already balancing a career and don’t have much time to spare. But here's the twist—fear can be the stepping stone to success.

A Turning Point: Specialized Training and Taking the Leap

Fast forward to 2019, when he decided to stop playing small. He signed up for a specialized training session that promised to teach him the ins and outs of real estate investing. By then, he realized that if he didn’t go all in, he’d be stuck in the same cycle—dabbling in real estate with little to show for it.

This was his first major shift: recognizing that sometimes, you need to invest in yourself before you can expect results.

Still scared? Absolutely. But with a supportive partner by his side and a renewed sense of focus, he pushed forward. The result? Multiple closed deals and a whopping $300,000 profit on a single house flip.

Matt and Chevy

The Power of Mentorship: Why You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

If you're a busy professional, you know time is your most valuable asset. So why spend years trying to figure out real estate on your own when you can learn from those who’ve already been there?

For our man, signing up for a mentorship program was a game-changer. With expert guidance, he not only learned how to market effectively but also how to close deals confidently. And here's the key takeaway: when you surround yourself with people who know the game, you're far more likely to win.

Whenever he hit a roadblock, he had a network of mentors to call. And if you’re wondering how he balanced this with a full-time job? It’s all about the systems and strategies he learned along the way.

From Fear to Fortune: The Confidence to Keep Going

The biggest lesson in his story isn’t just about flipping houses—it’s about flipping the script on fear. Sure, it was nerve-wracking in the beginning, but each success built more confidence. As the deals kept coming, so did the clarity about where he wanted to go next.

His real estate business isn’t just “doing better”—it’s thriving. And the best part? He’s planning to quit his day job and go full-time in real estate next year. For him, the journey from fear to fortune has only just begun.

Could This Be You?

If you’re a busy professional who’s feeling under appreciated, overworked, or simply itching for more financial freedom, this story should hit home. Real estate isn’t just for the gurus or those with endless free time. It’s for anyone willing to commit, learn, and grow—even if you're starting out with more fear than knowledge.

So, ask yourself: what’s stopping you from taking that next step? Whether you want to dabble in real estate on the side or eventually turn it into a full-time gig, the blueprint is out there. And like our house-flipping hero, all you need is the courage to start.

You’ve already mastered the corporate world—why not real estate? If you are ready, head over to REIAce.com.

House FlippingReal Estate InvestingREI Financial FreedomFix-n-Flip
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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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