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Home of Top Gun Real Estate Investors

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Turnkey Real Estate: The Busy Professional’s Shortcut to Early Retirement

September 07, 20243 min read

Are You Ready to Unlock a Future Without the 9-to-5 Grind?

If you’re like most overworked professionals, exhausted corporate climbers, or under appreciated high-performers, you’ve probably fantasized about an early retirement more than once. But with bills, obligations, and an already-packed schedule, how do you even find the time to start building a passive income stream? Here’s where turnkey rental properties come in—the ultimate hack for busy professionals and overlooked talents who want to start building wealth without becoming full-time landlords.

The Appeal of Turnkey Properties—A “Hands-Off” Investment Solution

Imagine walking into a perfectly renovated property, already filled with tenants paying rent, and not having to lift a finger to make it happen. That’s the allure of turnkey real estate. These properties are ready-to-go—freshly refurbished, rent-ready, and typically come with property management services. It’s essentially a plug-and-play model for those of us who want to see returns without sweating the small stuff like leaky faucets or late rent checks.

You’re not just buying a house; you’re buying time. Turnkey properties allow you to invest in real estate without managing the headache of renovations, maintenance, or even tenants. Instead, you focus on building a passive income stream that grows your wealth, cuts your tax bill, and inches you closer to that freedom date circled in your calendar.

The Research Phase: Who Can You Trust?

Of course, the turnkey dream can turn into a nightmare if you partner with the wrong people. This isn’t the part where you skim through a couple of reviews and make a decision during your lunch break. No, we’re talking about a strategic approach that involves deep research.

Start by zeroing in on markets with high rental demand—places where people want to live and can afford to rent. Think about cities like Kansas City, Birmingham, or Indianapolis. Look for turnkey providers in these regions, but don’t just take their word for it. Dive into real estate forums, connect with past investors, and ask hard questions. Treat it like a job interview—because you’re about to hire someone to help manage your future wealth. You wouldn’t hire an employee without a proper background check, right?

Crunch the Numbers (Because the Math Matters)

Let’s be real. You’re not doing this just for fun—you want to know exactly what’s in it for you. This means breaking down the true costs and the real returns. Start with the basics: what’s the purchase price? Add closing costs, property management fees, insurance, maintenance, and taxes to the equation.

Once you’ve got your expenses mapped out, compare them against rental rates in the area. Call local property managers (yes, pick up the phone) and get a realistic idea of what kind of rent you can expect. It’s not just about what you think you’ll earn; it’s about what’s actually going to hit your bank account each month. This step is crucial because no one wants a rude awakening in the form of surprise expenses or lower-than-expected rental income.

Why It’s Worth It

For the busy, ambitious go-getters, or the under appreciated high performers who are tired of burning the candle at both ends, turnkey properties are a viable path to freedom. You won’t have to become a property expert or deal with the day-to-day grind of being a landlord. Instead, you’ll be able to enjoy the fruits of your investment while focusing on what you do best—whether that’s excelling in your career or finally taking a well-deserved break.

Early retirement isn’t just a pipe dream. It’s a decision you can start working towards today, and turnkey rentals are a smart vehicle to get you there. So, what are you waiting for? Start your research, run your numbers, and take one step closer to breaking free from the grind.

Your future self will thank you.

Turnkey Real EstatePassive Income InvestingFinancial FreedomRetire Early
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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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