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investing in Real Estate in 2025

How To Invest In Real Estate In 2025 & Find Your Real Estate DNA

October 21, 20245 min read

How To Invest In Real Estate In 2025 & Find Your Real Estate DNA

The thought of investing in real estate can seem a bit daunting, especially with all the talk of market fluctuations, rising prices, and the constant changes in regulations. But here's the good news: 2025 Real Estate Investment offers some incredible opportunities, and if you're strategic, you'll be able to buy real estate in 2025 with confidence and success.

I’ll show you how to invest in real estate in 2025, especially if you're tired of the 9-to-5 grind and dream of financial freedom. So, let's break it down together, step by step.

The Truth About Getting Rich in Real Estate

First things first, let's bust a myth: there's no one-size-fits-all approach to making a fortune in real estate. But here's the kicker – you don't need a million strategies. You just need one that works for you. Actually, scratch that. You need five "ones":

real estate investment strategy hack
  1. One target market : Answers the question: “Who would your deals target?”

  2. One lead source: This is how you'll find deals. Choose a method that plays to your strengths and feels natural.

  3. One conversion method: How will you turn leads into deals? Make sure it aligns with your personality and communication style.

  4. One investing strategy: This is the meat and potatoes of your real estate investment. Whether it's fix-and-flip, buy-and-hold, or something in between, pick a strategy that fits your goals and lifestyle.

  5. One-year commitment: Commit to your chosen strategy for a full year. Consistency is key in real estate success.

When you nail these five elements, you can ignore all the noise and focus on what really matters. 

Choosing Your Target Market

Now, you might be thinking, "Matt, my local market is saturated! How can I possibly compete?" I hear you, but let me let you in on a little secret: it's not as crowded as you think. Here's why:

  1. Half of your so-called competition doesn't even answer the phone.

  2. Another 25% never follow up on leads.

  3. While you're looking for greener pastures, someone else is eyeing the opportunities right where you are.

Remember, a crowded market isn't a bad thing – it's proof of demand! Strong rents and rising property values? That's where you want to be.

So, how do you pick the right target market for 2025 real estate investment? 

  • Look for growth areas: Focus on places where population and jobs are booming. More people means more demand for housing.

 Pro tip: Check out U-Haul's growth index page. It'll show you where people are flocking to (orange states) and fleeing from (blue states).

 U-Haul's growth index for teal estate

  • Consider affordable entry points: Look for neighborhoods with property prices around or slightly below the median for that market. These areas usually have the most action and stable rental numbers.

  • Seek economic diversity: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. A market with diverse economic drivers gives you stability, even when competition heats up.

  • Focus on landlord-friendly states: Not all states are created equal when it comes to property owner rights. Choose wisely, and stay away from Washington, Oregon, and California (trust me on this one).

Understanding Your Real Estate DNA

Most investors fail because they're trying to be someone they're not. It's like an introvert forcing themselves to cold call all day – it's exhausting and ineffective.

Your real estate DNA is your unique combination of strengths, personality traits, and circumstances. When you align your approach with your DNA, magic happens. Here are a few examples:

  • If you're an introvert, door-knocking probably isn't your jam. Maybe online lead generation is more your style.

  • If you're empathetic and soft-spoken, aggressive sales tactics might feel wrong. Instead, focus on building genuine connections with sellers.

  • Short on time? Managing short-term rentals might drive you crazy. Consider long-term rentals or passive investment strategies instead.

The Consequences of Getting It Wrong

Let's talk about what happens if you ignore your real estate DNA and choose misaligned strategies:

  1. Wasted Time and Energy: You'll spend months (or even years) chasing strategies that don't fit, only to end up back at square one. It's like running on a treadmill – lots of effort, but you're not getting anywhere.

  2. Financial Drain: Misalignment leads to costly mistakes. Whether it's ineffective marketing or investing in properties that don't suit your skills, every wrong move chips away at your profits.

  3. Loss of Confidence: Repeated failures can shake your belief in yourself. And once you lose confidence, your dream of financial freedom starts slipping away.

On the flip side, when you align your approach with your natural strengths:

  1. Efficient Progress: You'll make faster progress because you're working with your strengths, not against them.

  2. Financial Optimization: You'll make smarter investments that match your skills and resources.

  3. Increased Confidence and Motivation: Success breeds success. When you're in your element, you'll feel unstoppable.

Next Steps for Real Estate Success in 2025

So, you're fired up and ready to dive into real estate investment in 2025. What now?

  1. Discover your real estate DNA. Take some time to reflect on your strengths, personality, and goals. What approach feels natural to you?

  2. Choose your target market based on the principles we discussed.

  3. Decide on your lead source, conversion method, and investing strategy.

  4. Commit to your chosen approach for one full year.

  5. Start educating yourself. My Escape book is a great place to start. It contains an innovative formula that eliminates financial constraints in a few strategic steps... without requiring prior experience in real estate. 

It's your ticket out of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle and into real wealth building.

  1. Get the right tools. For instance, the Epic Blackbook is an all-in-one platform built to grow your real estate business. It includes everything from a CRM to lead capture websites and automated follow-up workflows.

Your 2025 Real Estate Investment Plan

The real estate market outlook for 2025 in the US is generally positive, with most experts anticipating continued growth, albeit at a more moderate pace than we've seen in recent years. Factors like population growth, urbanization, and a strong economy are expected to drive demand.

Real estate in 2025 offers incredible opportunities for those who approach it strategically. So, are you ready to start investing and secure your financial future

Real Estate In 2025
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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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