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Real Estate Investing for Beginners

Real Estate Investing for Beginners: 5 Strategies to Start With No Cash

September 28, 20248 min read

Real Estate Investing for Beginners: 5 Strategies to Start With No Cash

If you're like most people, you probably think real estate investing is only for the rich or those with tons of cash lying around. Well, I'm here to tell you that's not true at all. In fact, I'm going to show you how creative real estate investing for beginners can be your ticket to financial freedom, even if you're starting with little to no money.

"So Matt, what's the catch?" There isn't one. The truth is, real estate investing isn't about how much money you have – it's about how creative you can be. And that's what we're going to explore today.

The Power of Creative Real Estate Investing

Let's start with a simple truth: real estate has been creating wealth for centuries. But here's the kicker – you don't need to be a millionaire to get your slice of the pie. Creative real estate investing is all about using your smarts instead of your savings account.

Think about it this way: you've got two types of currency. There's the green stuff in your wallet, sure. But then there's what I like to call "intellectual currency" – your ideas, your creativity, your problem-solving skills. And guess what? In creative real estate investing, that intellectual currency can be worth its weight in gold.

The Four Pillars of Real Estate Success

So, what do you need to succeed in creative real estate investing? There are four key resources: knowledge, time, money, and credit. Out of these, knowledge is the most crucial. Here’s why:

  1. Knowledge: Understanding the real estate market, investment strategies, and how to leverage resources is fundamental. If you have knowledge, you can outsource or leverage the other resources with ease.

  2. Time: This is your most precious resource. The more time you invest in learning and networking, the more successful you’ll be.

  3. Money: Yes, some cash is helpful, but it’s not everything. Many creative strategies allow you to invest without needing to put down a huge sum upfront.

  4. Credit: Good credit can open up additional financing options. However, it’s not the only way to get started.

Remember, you don’t need all these resources to belong to you. You can use Other People’s Knowledge (OPK), Other People’s Time (OPT), Other People’s Money (OPM), and Other People’s Credit (OPC) to get where you want to go. 

Say you've got the know-how to find great deals, but you're short on cash. Meanwhile, someone else has money burning a hole in their pocket but no clue where to invest it. Put you two together, and boom – you've got a power team.

Pro tip: Surround yourself with experts. Accountants, realtors, attorneys, lenders – these folks are like your personal real estate Avengers team. They've got the specialized knowledge you need, and they're just a phone call away.

Problem Solving: The Heart of Creative Investing

As a creative real estate investor, you’ll often find yourself in the position of a problem solver. This means you’re looking to help sellers with their issues while finding a win-win solution for yourself. Here’s how it works:

  • Identify Seller Problems: Many sellers face issues like foreclosure, needing to relocate quickly, or simply wanting to cash out of a property. Your job is to find out what those problems are.

  • Offer Solutions: You can use your creativity to propose solutions that benefit both you and the seller. This might involve flexible payment terms, lease options, or even taking over their mortgage payments.

When you can come up with creative solutions, you not only build a good relationship with the seller but also open up various possibilities for making the deal work in your favor.

Now, let's get into some real meat and potatoes stuff. In creative real estate investing, you've got two main ways to create a win-win deal:

  1. Your price, their terms

  2. Their price, your terms

As long as you can control one of these – either the price or the terms – you can always make a deal work for you. Let's say a seller wants a full price for their property. No problem! If you can control the terms – how you pay that price – you can still create a sweet deal for yourself.

“It’s never a money problem but merely an idea problem”- Matt Theriault

Creative Strategies to Consider

Now that you know about the importance of problem-solving and leveraging resources, let’s explore some creative strategies you can use in your real estate investing journey.

Creative real estate investment strategy with no money

1. Lease Options

A lease option allows you to rent a property with the option to buy it later. This gives you time to secure financing or improve your credit while living in or managing the property.

2. Seller Financing

In seller financing, the seller acts as the lender. Instead of going through a bank, you make payments directly to the seller, which can be beneficial if you have trouble qualifying for a traditional mortgage.

3. Subject-To Financing

This method allows you to take over the existing mortgage payments without officially assuming the loan. You buy the property “subject to” the existing financing, which can save you money and time.

4. Equity Sharing

In an equity share, you partner with someone who provides the funds for the down payment, while you manage the property. When you sell, you split the profits according to the agreement.

5. Wrap-Around Mortgages

This strategy involves creating a new mortgage that wraps around an existing mortgage. This allows you to benefit from the original mortgage’s lower interest rate while giving the seller an immediate cash flow.

Steps in Creative Real Estate Investing for Beginners

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Matt, this all sounds great, but how do I actually get started?" Well, I've got you covered.

  • First things first – education is key. Start by downloading the cheat sheets I give my students. These will give you a head start on understanding all those creative financing terms we talked about.

  • Next, start networking. Remember those experts we talked about earlier? Start building your team. You'd be surprised how many people you already know who can help you on your real estate journey.

And here's a pro tip: consider using a service like Call Porter. They're professionally trained, U.S.-based call answerers for real estate professionals. Trust me, when you're juggling multiple deals, having someone to handle your calls can make all the difference.

As you're starting out, keep these investing tips in mind:

  1. Start small. You don't need to buy a skyscraper for your first deal.

  2. Do your research. Knowledge is power, remember?

  3. Be patient. The right deal will come along.

  4. Network, network, network. Your next great partnership could be just a conversation away.

  5. Don't be afraid to ask questions. There's no such thing as a dumb question in real estate investing.

Which Real Estate Investment is Best for beginners?

Now, you might be wondering, "Which real estate investment is best?" The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on your goals, your resources, and your local market.

Some people swear by fix-and-flips. Others love buy-and-hold strategies for long-term wealth building. And some, like me, are all about creative deals that require little to no money down.

The key is to find what works for you. And that starts with education. There are tons of great real estate investing books out there. But if you want my personal recommendation, check out My Escape Book where I break down the strategies that have helped me and my students achieve financial freedom through real estate. It's like having a real estate mentor in your pocket.

How to Invest in Real Estate with No Money

Now, let's address the elephant in the room. How do you invest in real estate with no money? It sounds too good to be true, right?

But here's the thing – it's absolutely possible. Through strategies like wholesaling, lease options, or partnering with money partners, you can get started in real estate with little to no money out of pocket.

Remember, getting started in real estate doesn't have to be complicated. Here's a simple roadmap:

  1. Learn the basics. Understand terms like cap rate, ROI, and cash flow.

  2. Save some seed money. Even if you're using creative strategies, having some cash can help.

  3. Choose your strategy. Are you flipping? Renting? Wholesaling?

  4. Find a mentor or join a real estate group. Learning from others can fast-track your success.

  5. Take action. All the knowledge in the world won't help if you don't use it.

Start Your Journey to Financial Freedom through Real Estate

So there you have it – your crash course in creative real estate investing for beginners. Remember, real estate investing isn't just for the wealthy or the experienced. With creativity, knowledge, and the right strategies, anyone can get started.

Whether you're looking to quit your 9-to-5, build long-term wealth, or just create some extra cash flow, creative real estate investing can help you get there. And the best part? You can start right now, right where you are.

And hey, if you're looking for ongoing education and inspiration, why not check out a real estate investment podcast? There are tons of great ones out there, including my own "Epic Real Estate Investing" podcast where I feature successful investors sharing their journeys, strategies, and tips. 

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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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