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3 million affordable houses canceled

Kamala Harris and the Housing Crisis: Why 3 Million Homes Won’t Solve the Real Problem

September 04, 20244 min read

Kamala Harris and Affordable Housing: The Cold, Hard Truth Behind the Promises

Let’s face it—being a busy professional, chasing goals, and balancing life leaves little room to sift through political promises. But when someone like Kamala Harris claims she’ll fix the housing crisis by building 3 million affordable homes, it’s worth paying attention. Not because she’s going to change your world, but because, as always, there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.

Harris’s campaign pledge sounds like a dream to anyone caught in the whirlwind of escalating housing prices. But if you’ve been around long enough, you know political promises often dissolve the minute reality sets in—think of it like ordering fast food that never quite looks like the commercial.

3 Million Homes? Cool Story, But...

Building 3 million homes? It’s a big number, sure. But when you step back and look at the overall housing market—140 million homes in total—that number suddenly feels like tossing a pebble in the ocean. Add that to the fact that we’ve seen bold government initiatives go sideways before (remember the High-Speed Rail debacle in California?), and you’ve got yourself a tall order with little chance of success.

Then there’s the “where” factor. You could build millions of homes, but if they’re in locations no one wants to live in, you’re left with empty lots. And even if they are in high-demand areas, market forces have a funny way of equalizing—prices aren’t just determined by supply. Interest rates, income levels, and economic growth are lurking in the background, ready to pull the rug out from under any price drops.

Big Government, Big Projects, Bigger Headaches

Let’s cut to the chase: large-scale government projects are rarely delivered as promised. From budget overruns to missed deadlines and shoddy quality, there’s a history here. The healthcare.gov rollout went from $93 million to a cool $2 billion—and that’s before you factor in all the technical issues. Think the same won’t happen when they try to slap together 3 million houses in a few years?

Even if the homes do get built, they may come with a host of other problems. Rapid construction often means using cheap materials, leading to maintenance nightmares down the line. And what about the communities these homes get built in? Concentrating affordable housing in certain areas could lead to increased segregation, creating more problems than solutions.

Unseen Consequences: Your Property Value, Tax Dollars, and Quality of Life

If you already own a home, you might be feeling a little nervous. Flooding the market with affordable homes could lower property values, especially in already saturated areas. It’s not just a housing issue—it’s your financial stability at stake.

And let’s talk about funding. Where’s the money for all these homes going to come from? You guessed it—taxes. These ambitious projects often end up costing more than projected, meaning your hard-earned dollars are on the line. You’re already overworked, and now you might find yourself paying more for services that will get stretched thin as new residents flood local schools, hospitals, and infrastructure.

The Bigger Picture: Housing Problems Won’t Be Solved by a Quick Fix

The housing crisis isn’t just about numbers. It’s about deeper issues—like labor costs, restrictive zoning, and yes, immigration impacts. The promise of new homes may grab headlines, but it’s not going to fix the real problems. You’ve seen this pattern before: political promises turn into burdens for the taxpayer, with little payoff for you in the end.

But here’s the upside. While the government wrestles with big promises and bigger pitfalls, smart private investors have the chance to thrive. Affordable housing is a hot commodity, and if you know how to navigate the shifting landscape, there’s potential to turn market changes into a winning investment strategy.

In Conclusion...

Kamala Harris’s pledge to build 3 million homes might sound good on paper, but don’t hold your breath. It’s a quick-fix solution to a complex problem that requires more than just government intervention. As a busy professional or under appreciated high performer, you know that big promises rarely translate into tangible results. But the savvy among us? We spot opportunities where others see obstacles. Now could be the perfect time to leverage these shifts. If you're ready to seize the moment, click here and let’s schedule a time to talk.

Affordable housing crisisKamala Harris housing policyHousing market challengesGovernment housing promisesReal estate investment opportunitiesPolitical impact on housingAffordable home construction
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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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