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I Quit My $225K Job

The Bold Move: Leaving a $225K Salary Behind—What You Need to Know Before You Quit

August 25, 20244 min read

Why I Ditched My $225K Corporate Job: 10 Hard-Learned Lessons Every Aspiring Entrepreneur Must Know

Imagine this: You're pulling in a solid six-figure salary, comfortably nestled in a corporate job that your friends envy. The bonus check alone could pay for a year of vacations. Yet, every morning, the thought of another day at the office makes your stomach churn.

That was me in 2002, climbing the ladder at a top industry website, managing big ad campaigns. It was supposed to be the dream job. But as the music industry began to crumble under the weight of digital downloads, I started questioning everything. Office politics, endless meetings, the race for promotions—it all felt like a game I didn’t want to play anymore.

So, I did something that everyone, including my skeptical grandmother, thought was crazy: I walked away. Just months before that golden bonus payout, I handed in my resignation. Yes, half a year’s salary left on the table, but I knew deep down that if I didn’t take the leap, regret would haunt me forever.

The Turning Point: Why Inaction is Your Worst Enemy

Theodore Roosevelt once said, "In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing." That quote became my mantra. I knew that staying put, clinging to the illusion of security, would have been the real mistake.

But let me be clear: jumping headfirst into entrepreneurship without a plan is a recipe for disaster. The fantasy of being your own boss quickly fades when you’re staring down the barrel of financial strain, frustration, and the very real possibility of crawling back to a job.

10 Steps to Take Before You Leap

If you’re dreaming of ditching your corporate job and diving into something like real estate investing, take a beat. Here are ten critical steps I wish someone had drilled into my head before I handed in my notice.

  1. Get Real About Your Job: Reflect on what exactly is causing your dissatisfaction. This introspection helps determine if a career change is the right move or if you might face the same issues elsewhere.

  2. Financial Reality Check: Assess your financial situation, including the loss of benefits like health insurance and retirement contributions. Have a solid financial plan to cover these costs.

  3. Timing is Everything: Plan your exit strategically. Consider timing it around bonuses, stock options, or the completion of key projects to maximize your financial stability.

  4. Mindset Matters: Cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset. Embrace challenges as opportunities and prepare yourself mentally for the ups and downs of being your own boss.

  5. Build Your Tribe: Surround yourself with mentors, advisors, and a supportive network. The right connections can offer guidance, motivation, and valuable insights.

  6. Create a Financial Safety Net: Build an emergency fund that can cover at least six months of living expenses. This safety net will give you peace of mind during the transition period.

  7. Test the Waters: Before fully committing, try your hand at entrepreneurship on the side. This allows you to gauge whether your business idea is viable without risking everything upfront.

  8. Skill Up: Identify any skills or knowledge gaps you might have in your new field and invest time in filling them. Whether it’s through courses, workshops, or self-study, being well-prepared is key.

  9. Develop a Business Plan: Outline your business goals, target market, revenue streams, and growth strategies. A clear plan will keep you focused and on track.

  10. Prepare for the Long Haul: Understand that success in entrepreneurship doesn’t happen overnight. Be patient, persistent, and ready to adapt as you navigate the challenges of running your own business.

These steps are designed to help you make a strategic and well-thought-out transition from the corporate world to entrepreneurship.

The Reality of Entrepreneurship: It’s Not All Sunshine and Rainbows

Being your own boss sounds sexy, right? No more answering to anyone, making your own hours, and keeping all the profits. But here’s the truth: the honeymoon phase doesn’t last long. You quickly realize that your paycheck now depends entirely on you. No more coasting through a slow week; every day, you’re on the grind.

That’s why having the right mindset is non-negotiable. You’ve got to see challenges as opportunities, setbacks as stepping stones. And trust me, there will be setbacks.

Final Thoughts

Leaving my $225,000-a-year job wasn’t the logical choice. But it was the right one for me. If you’re considering making a similar move, don’t go in blind. Follow these steps, prepare yourself mentally and financially, and build a support system that will carry you through the inevitable rough patches.

Because when it comes to your life, doing nothing is the worst thing you can do.

So, are you ready to take the leap, or will you let another year slip by, stuck in the same grind, dreaming of a life that could have been? The choice is yours.

Quitting a corporate jobTransition to entrepreneurshipLeaving a six-figure salaryEntrepreneurship tipsStarting a business
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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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