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Housing Market Crash in 2025?

Is ClearTax Value Right About the Real Estate Crash in 2025?

September 08, 20245 min read

Is It Time to Panic? Here’s What You Need to Know

You’ve heard it before—a housing market crash is coming. And if you’re a busy professional, a go-getter with no time to waste, or someone hustling to keep your career climbing, the thought of a real estate crash might have you on edge. After all, you’ve got enough on your plate without worrying about your financial future collapsing under the weight of a downturn. But let’s take a step back and look at the facts before hitting the panic button.

The Market Is Breathing, Not Crashing

Brian from ClearTax recently pointed out that housing prices hit a record high of $439,500 in June 2024, only to drop by 0.6% from June to July. Sounds bad, right? Not so fast. In reality, this small dip is more like the market catching its breath after sprinting for the last few years.

Historically, these minor price drops during the summer months are nothing unusual. In fact, prices have gone up 4.1% over the past year and a whopping 47% over the last five years. The market is fluctuating, but it’s far from a free fall.

“A tiny drop in price? That’s just the market taking a quick water break—not a crash.”

What Could Cause a Crash, and Why It’s Unlikely

The word “crash” sends chills down the spine of any homeowner or aspiring buyer. But let’s get real. The conditions we saw in 2010, with nearly 3 million foreclosures, aren’t anywhere near what’s happening today. Right now, there are only 1.8 million homes listed for sale—significantly fewer foreclosures, tighter lending standards, and a healthier job market.

People love to speculate about crashes because they’re waiting for prices to drop like a rock so they can scoop up properties at a bargain. But here’s the truth: foreclosures are low, demand still outpaces supply, and there’s no major catalyst on the horizon that’s going to send the market into a tailspin.

“Foreclosures? Barely a blip on the radar. Demand is strong, and supply is limited. The crash everyone’s waiting for might never come.”

Affordable Housing: The Elephant in the Room

Now, if you’re thinking, “But what about affordable housing?”, you’re not alone. Affordable homes seem as rare as a Friday afternoon where you’re actually caught up on emails. The reality is, supply is tight, and builders just can’t keep up with demand.

What’s the solution? We need more homes, higher wages, and less inflation—simple, right? Well, not exactly. But these are the kinds of moves that would bring housing prices down to a more accessible level.

“The dream of affordable housing? It’s still possible, but it’s going to take some serious shifts in construction and wage growth.”

Should You Wait or Jump In?

If you’ve been on the fence about buying a home because you’re waiting for a crash, here’s a thought—what if it never happens? People have been predicting a housing collapse for years, and guess what? It hasn’t come. In fact, even if prices correct slightly, the long-term trend still points upward.

Waiting for the perfect moment could leave you behind while prices continue to rise. Ask yourself: Are you willing to bet your financial future on the hope that prices will drop dramatically? Or is now the time to make a move?

“If the market’s crashing, where are all the ‘amazing’ deals everyone’s talking about? Stop waiting for a collapse that may never come.”

The American Dream Isn’t Dead—But It’s Changing

Here’s the harsh reality: owning a home isn’t getting any easier. Big corporations are snapping up single-family homes to turn into rentals, and new developments are being built to rent, not sell. So, while you might be waiting for prices to drop, you could end up watching the American dream of homeownership slip further away.

“While you’re waiting for the market to crash, corporations are buying up the homes you want. Time to rethink the game.”

Prices May Adjust—But Don’t Expect a Fire Sale

Sure, we may see some adjustments, but the long-term trajectory of housing prices isn’t likely to reverse in a big way. Supply and demand imbalances will continue to push prices upward, especially as mortgage rates start to come down. And when rates drop, competition will heat up even more.

“Supply and demand are the real drivers here, and they’re keeping prices higher than you’d hope.”

Real Estate: The Smart Play for Wealth Building

For those in the know, real estate remains a wealth-building powerhouse. Property values are rising faster than inflation, and if you’ve got the right strategy, you can come out way ahead. Even if you’re short on cash, zero-down financing programs and creative options make it possible to break into the market.

People who invested in real estate a decade ago are now enjoying significant returns, proving that timing the market isn’t nearly as important as time in the market.

“Real estate isn’t just a safe bet—it’s a fast lane to financial freedom.”

The Bottom Line: Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back

The media loves to shout “crash” every time the market stumbles, but don’t let the headlines dictate your financial strategy. If you’re an under appreciated high-performer, an overworked breadwinner, or a corporate climber hustling to secure your future, now could be the time to act.

Housing prices may fluctuate, but the long-term value of real estate continues to rise. Don’t wait for a “perfect” market that might never come. Your window of opportunity is now. If you are ready, head over to REIAce.com and let's find a time to chat.

“Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back. The real estate game is still strong, and the smart players are cashing in.”

Real Estate CrashHousing Market 2025Real Estate InvestingReal Estate Investing in 2025
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Matt Theriault

I have been a full-time creative real estate investor for over 16+ years and now optimizing and creatively maximizing the performance of the portfolio I've built…all the while carving out the time to teach others how to do the same.

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